Welcome to Our Website

Welcome to the Troy Fire Protection District website. These pages have been developed with the goal of supplying you with timely, up-to-date information pertaining to the many services we provide. We are a multi-faceted organization that like most modern, dynamic fire protection districts, serves our citizens in many ways.  Please explore our site and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have.

A Message from Chief Hertzmann

The Troy Fire Protection District provides emergency services to the entire Village of Shorewood, as well as the unincorporated sections of Troy Township, with two Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulances, two ALS fire engines, and one ALS aerial ladder truck. The ALS fire apparatus allows paramedics to respond with a fire suppression vehicle to begin patient care in the event our ambulances are being utilized. We are then able to request a mutual-aid ambulance from a neighboring department for transport. Troy Fire Protection District is a member of MABAS (Mutual Aid Box Alarm System) Division 15, which provides equipment from nearby communities if our resources are exhausted.

Read Chief Hertzmann's message


For employment opportunities at the Troy Fire Protection District please follow the link to the Employment Page


By CopsPlus.com

Ambulance Billing


FOIA Request



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